
Monday - Friday: 5:30AM & Midnight

Saturday & Sunday: 6AM & Midnight


Prayer Devotionals for 2024

  • January: Children of God

    The spirit of the God of truth and our spirit both bear witness to affirm and assure that you are a child of God.

    Do not give any allowance for the enemy to mess with your identity, destiny or inheritance as the child of the Most High God.

    Believe in your sonship.

  • February: Prayer

    The disciples watched Jesus and recognized that prayer was the source of His power. Prayer itself was not foreign to them; so what were that disciple looking for when he asked Jesus to teach them to pray?

    It was more about being with God, connecting with Him, knowing His will and returning with strength to execute His purpose.

    This is what our times of prayer must result in.

  • March: The Blood of Jesus

    When sin separated humanity from God, He worked a redemption plan to restore relationship and fellowship.

    It would cost life to restore life so He sent Jesus Christ to come to earth and be the sacrificial lamb whose blood would buy our freedom.

    He paid a high price

  • April: Praise

    Simply put, praise is the adoration of God. It is demonstrated in the open by activities that are assertive in expression.

    Praise can be verbal like singing or making declarations or nonverbal like lifting up of hands, kneeling or dancing.

    By whatever means we must praise the Lord because praise opens doors and gives us access to the very courts of God!

  • May: Forgiveness

    To forgive means to remit or to pay in full. It means you dismiss a debt to you and bring an offender’s account to zero.

    Revenge only increases indebtedness. It robs you of more than what was done to you.

    Unforgiveness sends you into pathways that were never designed by God. It affects your attitude even if the incident happened decades ago. The only way to free yourself is by forgiveness.


Prayer Requests

All prayer requests are kept confidential. Please indicate whether you would like one of our ministry staff to contact you



God the Father is with me.

Jesus is helping me.

The Holy Spirit is guiding me.

I am what the Word says I am.

The Kingdom of God is within me.

I am receiving wisdom, knowledge, understanding and power from God now.

I have God’s peace and a sound mind.

I am a lifegiver to my family, community and nation.

I have strength for all things through Christ who empowers me!